Lounge chair

Leaf Chair is a lounge chair designed as part of a 'Join Details' course at University. Our task was to choose a 'joined detail' and transfer it to an object. The lounge chair is built around an enlarged join detail, capturing a quick, fleeting, seemingly subtle movement. If we cut a square plate in half to its middle part and then fold it, we get a cup-like shape reminiscent of a chair seat. The transmission of this formal gesture is the seat of the lounge chair.

During University one of my goals was to contact a factory/manufacturer and use their materials in some form in a product. So I was thrilled that I could contact Multifelt Factory in addition of finding the right materials to the chair. Natural wool felts have been produced in the only felt factory in Hungary since 1896. It was a very good process to get to know the material and kinda re-design and shape the chair based on the material. As a beginner designer I think it’s important to get to know the „design resources” of the area we’re living in.
„The processing of wool requires very little environmental impact compared to other natural fibers or man-made fibers. And since wool felt is made of sheep’s wool and viscous staple fibers, this means that after the felt product has been used or become worn out, it can be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.”
-Multifelt Factory Kft.
Final protoype making stages
The thick wool felt stretches out between the 4 join points and it holds itself
Consultant: Dániel Lakos
Thanks to: Multifelt Factory Kft.
Photos: Ambrus Gergely, Nóra Szilágyi

Leaf Chair


Leaf Chair
